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Burner Test Stand

By talking to Midco employees who performed burner test fires, I determined that the current stand (pictured to the left) needed improvement in ease of burner mounting and ease of transport. The current method of using C clamps to secure the burner in place was inconvenient, and support for the valve train was provided by a non-rolling table.

With this in mind, I used Inventor to design the new stands, then ordered parts and built my designs. I replaced the C clamps with mounted toggle clamps, which were easier to engage on a burner. I also made a valve train stand that is on wheels and capable of connecting to the burner stand via pins that slide in and out of the holes in the square tubing.

As an intern at Midco International, a company that designs and manufactures gas burners, I worked on various engineering projects. One such project was designing and building a new and improved stand to hold the burners during test fires.

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